August 2023 Newsletter


Within the last couple of weeks, we have had several people who were homeless and were traveling through this area. One disabled pregnant lady was stranded in Newton and needed to get back to Western Iowa.

We appealed on Facebook for $150 to send her home and the response was very encouraging. Within seven minutes of the post a warm-hearted woman responded. A number of other people responded who were willing to help with money or prayer. She made it back to her home in Iowa safely.

Sometimes people are faced with other problems that seem impossible. The story is told in Matthew 14:14-21 about the problem the disciples were faced with as they looked at the hungry crowd and it was dinner time. Like many of us the disciples saw no solution. They were going to tell everyone to go home and the teaching time was going to be over for the day.

Jesus, on the other hand saw the young boy with the loaves and fishes. He then prayed and a miracle took place—as the people were fed. I firmly believe that lives were changed that night because the little boy was willing to give his all and because Jesus did what he did.

Are you willing to send that check for $25? Are you willing to buy a couple of half gallons of milk or a couple of packages of lunch meat? With your support we can help people tackle the problems they can’t solve. Together with God’s help we can make a difference.
We Love You,
Brian Bisbee


We are always looking for volunteers. If you would like to serve during the day we are looking for helpers during the day. If you would like to volunteer for evening service and join one of our church teams we would welcome you. Please give Marilyn, our Volunteer Coordinator a call at 316-283-7711.

Some Exciting Opportunities

  • Maybe you haven’t had an opportunity to participate in the new Shelter project yet—and you want to. Here are three ways you can be a part of things.

  • We are so excited because we have been given a solar array for the new Shelter. It is going to save us thousands of dollars in energy bills. Before that happens, we need to purchase gravel to keep our weeds down and to serve as a base for the solar array. We need $3,500. Designate GRAVEL in your giving.

  • We have identified high quality mattresses that are made in the USA that we need to buy for the new Shelter. They are $400 each and we need 36. Designate MATTRESS in your giving.

  • We need shower curtains for the new facility. They are $25 each and we need 16. Designate SHOWER CURTAINS in your giving.

  • Honor a loved one or co-worker, remember a birthday, celebrate the life of someone who has passed away with a gift to the New Hope Shelter. Remember that your donation is an investment in changing lives.

  • If you have extra frozen hamburger, roasts, hotdogs, pork, or chicken we can use it for meals or food baskets. We also accept garden produce and leftovers from family, church, or business events. Give Brian a call at 316-283-7711.

Tabor Mennonite Vacation Bible School participants purchased our wastepaper baskets with their offerings from this year. A big thanks to them for their efforts.

Grace Community Church through the Local Reach group has agreed to furnish the pillows, pillow enclosures, and pillowcases for the new Shelter. Thanks so much for helping.

Window frames are being installed. The roof is being installed right now by the good folks from Wray Roofing. The walls are taking shape. Despite the hot weather, the project is moving forward on schedule. Drive by 308 South Meridian Road Newton and take a look at the progress that has been made.

Laundry pods
Powdered Creamer & Sugar
Dillon’s & Walmart gift-cards
Sliced Bread
Sliced Meat

55 Gallon Trash Bags
Deodorant - Men’s & Women’s
Band-Aids - Normal & Large Size
Gently used towels and was